STATUTES OF THE CHINA SOCIETY FOR SANDPLAY THERAPYSTATUTESOF THE CHINA SOCIETY FOR SANDPLAYTHERAPY (中国沙盘游戏治疗学会) Chapter1.GeneralTerms 1. The Society is named the China Society for SandplayTherapy (CSST), herein referred to as the Society. 2. TheSociety complies with local laws and is a nonprofit organization. In compliancewith the spirit of the International Society for Sandplay Therapy (ISST), theSociety aims to promote the application of Sandplay Therapy in mental health,education and practice, and offers its members aninternational network and an arena for presentations, research, exchange anddiscussion in congresses hosted by ISST, the International Association forAnalytical Psychology (IAAP) and CSST. 3. TheSociety organizational domains are the People's Republic of China(The Mainland of China). 4. The address for the Society isset up at the executive office.Tingfangyuan Gate 111, Lujing Road, Jingtai Street, BaiyunDistrict, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, China. Tel.86(020)37411411) and Branches are establishedwith the permission of the CSST executive office. Branch bulletins are draftedby the foundation and approved by the executive office for distribution.Addresses and changes in address of the Society and its branches must bereported to the executive office in writing. 5. Chinese and English are theofficial languages of the Society. Statutes and regulations are legally bindingonly in the Chinese and English languages. Official documents of the Societywill be translated into other languages if necessary. 6. Our mission is: II. totrain, uphold, and promote the practice and development of Sandplay Therapy inaccordance with the standards and missions of the ISST. III. topromote and disseminate concepts of Sandplay therapy to the public, to trainindigenous Sandplay therapists, to provide opportunities and means for Sandplaytherapists, to comply with and maintain the standards and ethics set by theISST. IV. tohost Chinese journal of Sandplay Therapy, uphold and encourage the scientificresearch of Sandplay Therapy, offer publishing support and opportunities ofinternational communication for CSST therapists. V. to become active members of the ISST, make contributions to the development of theISST. 7. InChina, the main authority that governs any Society’s primary work are therelevant government departments(Currently: Department of Civil Affairsand SocialScience Federation). Therefore, CSST will abideby the constitutions of all the aforementioned government departments. 8. TheSociety is affiliated with the International Society for Sandplay Therapy(ISST), and will abide with all rules and regulations set forth by the ISST forcertification, mission and ethical conduct. Certified members and candidateswill also adhere to the Code of Ethics as detailed in the ISST Constitution
Chapter 2.Membership 9. Toapply for membership, applicants must be 20 years or older and comply with therequirements set out by the Society. There are three categories ofmembers: ISST Certified Members(Teaching and Clinical), General Members, and Honorary Members. The first tworequire an application. An applicant must submit an application form approvedby the Board of Directors and must pay membership dues. The requirements ofmembership for each category are detailed below: I. ISST certified members(Teaching and Clinical): Must meet the membership requirements of the ISST.(According to ISST rules of procedure, published on the ISST website: https://www.isst-society.com/).In addition, for certificationas an ISST Teaching member, candidates who have completed the minimum ISSTrequirements for certification as an ISST Teaching Member must present a caseto an audience which includes a panel of two members of the CSST executive andan ISST Teaching Member from another regional ISST society. If thecandidate is passed by all three members of the evaluation panel, theirapplication for ISST teaching membership will be forwarded by the CSSTsecretary to the ISST certification committee for consideration. If the CSSTpanel is unable to come to a consensus, they will agree on a set ofdevelopmental tasks for the candidate to undertake before presenting new materialto another panel that may include different evaluating ISST Teaching members. II. Generalmembers: Must have a degree or equivalent work experience in psychology,education or social work-related fields, or be licensed in related areasincluding psychiatry, psychology, psychiatric nursing, social work, counseling,guidance, education;. must be willing to learn Sandplay Therapy skills and/orbecome a member of the ISST. III. Honorarymembers: Must adhere to the tenets of the Society, be willing to support thedevelopment of the Society, and have made a significant contribution toSandplay Therapy. 10.Membersor their representatives have the right to vote, to elect and be elected. Eachmember or member representative has one vote. Honorary members do not have votingrights. 11.Membershave a duty to comply with the Society’s constitution, decisions, andmembership dues requirements. 12.Ifa member or member representative violates regulations and statutes or fails tocomply with resolutions made by the Board of Directors, a warning or suspensionwill be issued by the Board. The Board determines what constitutes a violationbased on the statutes of CSST. For serious offenses detrimental to the cause ofthe Society, membership can be revoked through a resolution of the Board. 13.Failureto pay the membership fee for one calendar year will result in the suspensionof said membership. Failure to pay the membership fee for two consecutive calendaryears will result in the revocation of said membership. Reapplication isrequired to reinstate the revoked membership. 14.Amember who is disqualified or whose membership has been revoked by the Board losesmembership status and privileges with immediate effect.
Chapter 3.Organization and Authority ofCSST Diagram of Society Structure 15.Membershipmeetings hold the highest authority in the Society. When total membership ofthe society exceeds three hundred, representatives from each geographicaldistrict will be appointed. The number of seats for each district is determinedby the number of members in the district proportional to the total number ofmembers in the CSST. The Membership meeting will then be constituted by theserepresentatives from each district. The term of the each district representativemember representatives is three years. One District Representative is appointedfor every five local members. The representatives have full authority to be onbehalf of the members.
16. Membership meetings havethe authority to: I. Establish and amendconstitutions. II. Electand recall members of the Board of Directors or the Supervisory Board. (ForSupervisory Board See Chapter 5). III. Determinethe membership entry fee, the annual fee, the renumeration for administration staff,and the amount of and method for a member’s donation. IV. Determineannual objectives, reports, the budget, and complete the final financialaccounts. V. Determinethe revocation of member or member representative. VI. Determinethe dissolution of the Society. VII. Determinethe disposition of the Society’s assets in the event of dissolution. VIII Make resolutions on matters concerning the rights andduties of members or other issues as determined by the Board of Directors.
Chapter 4.The Board of Directors 17. Members or member representatives of theSociety shall elect nine members,atleast two ISST members included, to form the Board of Directors of CSST andthree members, at least two ISST members, to form a Supervisory Board. (Fordetails of the Supervisory Board see Chap 5). In electing the aforementioned members of therespective boards, one stand-in member for the Board of Directors and onestand-in member for the Supervisory Board may be elected at the same time. Thestand-in members will substitute for the Board members should one not be ableto attend. At the end of the term, the current Board of Directors must nominatecandidates for the next Board of Directors and Supervisory Board. The Board ofDirectors and Supervisory Board may adopt voting by the membership by mail.Regulations for voting by mail shall be ratified by the Board of Directors andapproved by the Executive Board. 18. The Board of Directorsholds the following authorities: I. to examine and approvequalifications for membership or membership representative. II. toelect and recall Executive Boardand the chair of the Board of Directors. III. tomake resolutions regarding the resignation of members, executive members, andthe chair of the Board of Directors. IV. tohire or dismiss clerical employees. V. todraft the annual objectives, reports, the budget, and the interim and finalfinancial accounts for the Executive/Supervisory Board’s review. VI. toexecute all other matters requiring attention of the Society. 19. The Board of Directors shall elect threeexecutive members from among members of the Board and from this Executive Boardmembers elect the chair. The chair shall oversee internal operations of theSociety, represent the Society in external affairs, and will chair membershipmeetings and Board of Directors meetings. In the event that the chair is unableto fulfill his or her duty, an executive board member shall be appointed as thestand-in chair. In the event that an appointment has not been made or cannot bemade, then a stand-in chair shall be nominated from among the executive boardmembers. In the event that the position of the chair or the executive boardmember is vacant, it shall be filled within one month.
Chapter5.TheSupervisory Board 20. The role of the Supervisory Board is to ensure Chair,Executive Board, Board of Directors, and Membership to perform rights and tomake decisions compliant with the constitutions of ISST and CSST as well as anygovernmental legal requirements for societies. The Supervisory Board is elected by the membership and has thefollowing authority: I. To supervise the work of theBoard of Directors. II. Toverify and approve the annual accounts presented by theBoard. III. Toconvene executive supervisory members. IV. Tomake resolutions regarding the resignation of Supervisory Board members or theexecutive Supervisory Board members. V. Tosupervise all other relevant matters. 21. The Supervisory Board shall have oneexecutive supervisory member from among Supervisory Board members to overseeroutine duties, and to call and chair supervisory meetings. In the event thatthe executive Supervisory Board member is unable to fulfill his or her duty, amember shall be appointed as the stand-in. In the event that an appointment hasnot been made or cannot be made, then the stand-in shall be nominated fromamong the Supervisory Board members.Othermembers of Supervisory Board and members from Executive Board can sponsor aproposal meeting to vote for the stand-in. 22. The Board of Directors and SupervisoryBoard are nonpaid positions. The term of service for directors and supervisorymembers is three years, with reelection permitted, and serve up to threeconsecutive terms. The chair of the Board of Directors, however, can only servetwo consecutive terms. 23. Members of the Board of Directors orSupervisory Board shall be relieved of their duties under any of the followingcircumstances: I. Loss of membership or memberrepresentative qualification. II. Resignationapproved by the Board of Directors or the Supervisory Board. III. Beingrecalled or revoked by the Society. IV. Beingsuspended for more than half the term of the service. 24. The Board of Directors and SupervisoryBoard must hold a meeting at least once every six months, respectively. A jointmeeting or an interim Board of Directors meeting may be called when necessary.Except for interim meetings, a written notice of the regular meeting shall besent out seven days in advance. The resolutions made at the meeting require theattendance of more than half the respective members of the Board of Directorsand Supervisory Board and consensus by a majority vote. 25. Members of the Board of Directors andSupervisory Board must attend their respective meetings and cannot authorizeothers to attend on their behalf without notice and explanation of exceptionalcircumstances which are approved by the Board. If a director or SupervisoryBoard member has two consecutive unexcused absences from meetings, he or sheshall be regarded as having resigned from the position.
Chapter6. General Administration of the Society 26. The Society appoints one position ofgeneral secretary and several staff positions to handle the Society’s routinework. These may be salaried positions or volunteers as determined by the Board.The personnel management of clerical staff will be separately established. Thegeneral secretary is employed following the nomination by the chair andapproval by the Board of Directors, and a report shall be submitted to theexecutive office for records. The general secretary cannot be appointed fromamong the elected members of the board. 27. The Society shall establish various committees, groups, or task forces.Their rules and amendments shall be ratified by the Board of Directors. 28. The Society may ask the Board of Directors to appoint one honoraryconsultant, and several honorary board members. These members have an advisoryrole but do not vote or participate in the formal administration of thesociety. Their term of service shall be the same as the Board of Directors andSupervisory Board. 29. The CSST Treasurer will liaise with theISST Treasurer regarding collection of ISST dues and ensure compliance withISST protocols for this.
Chapter7.MembershipMeeting 30. Routine and interim Membership meetings arecalled by the chair of the board. Unless warranted by an emergency mattercalling for an interim meeting, a fifteen-day notice is required. A routineMembership meeting is called once a year; an interim meeting is called asdeemed necessary by the Board of Directors, or as requested by over one-fifthof the members or member representatives, or as requested via mail or email bythe Supervisory Board. 31. In the event that a member or a memberrepresentative is unable to attend a membership meeting, a written proxy isrequired for another member to attend on his or her behalf. Each member ormember representative can stand in foronly one other member. 32. Resolutions that are made at the membershipmeetings require more than one half of the member attendance and are passed bya majority vote. However, with regard to significantmatters a consensus by more than two-thirds of the members in attendance isrequired. These matters include, but are not limited to: the establishment andamendment of the Constitution; the revocation of membership or membershiprepresentative; recall of Board Directors or Supervisory Board members;decisions regarding assets; the dissolution of the Society; and the rights andduties of members.33. After the Society’s charter has beenregistered, Constitutional amendment requires consensus by more thanthree-quarters of members in attendance, or by the written agreement of morethan two-thirds of the total membership. Dissolution of the Society requiresconsensus by more than two-thirds of the total membership.
Chapter8.Representativeto the ISST Board 34. DESCRIPTION: One representative from CSSTshall serve on the ISST Board of Directors for a term of four years. 35. QUALIFICATIONS: I. Has been an ISST/CSSTcertified member for a minimum of three years. II. Haspresented a case at an ISST International Congress, has demonstrated an activeinterest in the affairs of ISST. III. Hasattended more than half of ISST meetings since becoming an ISST/CSST member. 36. NOMINATION: Nominations shall be made bythe CSST Board two weeks or more prior to the annual meeting of the members atwhich the election of the proposed CSST representative to the ISST Board is tobe held. Nominations may be reopened at the Annual meeting by a two-thirds voteof the Members. The name of the nominee receiving the majority of the votes atthe annual meeting by the Members shall be sent to the ISST Board of Directors. 37. RESPONSIBILITIES: To attend annual ISSTBoard meetings and prepare written reports on the development of sandplay inChina, which will be submitted at the ISST Board meetings. It is also theresponsibility to convey feedback from the ISST Board meeting and congress tothe CSST. 38. EXPENSES: CSST will allocate funds annuallyfor the representative to attend the ISST Board meetings. Chapter9.Fundsand Accounting 39. The Society’s sources of income follows theISST financial rules as below: I. Annual fee: RMB 1200 for aCertified Member (Teaching and Clinical), RMB 600 for a General Member. Thisfee may be reviewed annually. II. Administrationfee. III. Donationfrom members. IV. Fundsand interests. V. Otherincome. Income from other sources will be declared in the annual accounts. 40. The Society’s fiscal year adheres to thecalendar year, starting on January 1st and ending on December 31st. 41. Two months before the end of the fiscalyear, the Board of Directors shall compile the annual objectives, budget plan,and employee remuneration plan to be ratified at the membership meeting andsent for approval by the executive office before the start of the followingyear. In the event that a membership meeting is not called as scheduled, thenthe compilation shall be first ratified by the Board of Directors andSupervisory Board. Within two months after the end of the fiscal year, theBoard of Directors shall compile annual objectives, official reports, finalbudget accounting, a cash flow report, an asset and liability report, financialrecords, and funds accounting to be sent to the Supervisory Board forverification and recommendations. These shall then be returned to the Board ofDirectors, presented at Membership meeting for ratification, and at the end ofMarch, reported to the executive office for approval. In the event that amembership meeting is not called as scheduled, it shall be sent first to theexecutive office. 42. When the Society is dissolved, remainingassets belong to their local independent organization, Oriental Academy forAnalytical Psychology, according to the executive office.
Chapter10.Appendix 43. All matters not included in thisConstitution shall be conducted in accordance to relevant laws and regulationsof the country. 44. This Constitution and its amendments havebeen ratified by the membership or the member representative Membership meetingand approved by the executive office. The Statutes are effective as of the dateof ratification. |