The China Society for Sandplay Therapy(CSST)offers a Training Programme. CSST is committed to a policy of fairrepresentation and will not discriminate in its admissions or trainingpractices on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, religiousaffiliation, ethnic or national origin, marital status, age, or disability. The training program of CSST is designed forapplicants with a Master’s degree or equivalent academic standard in medicine,psychology, education or philosophy, and its aim is to give the basictheoretical and practical foundation for professional practice as a SandplayTherapist. The CSST TrainingProgram pays careful attention to the Individuation Process as a whole.Starting from this premise, the program not only aims to offer a high standardof theoretical and practical teaching, but also to become an opportunity forthe development of identity as a Sandplay Therapist.
In order to fulfill this objective, theprogramme has a theoretical/practical approach (300 hours) and includesseminars, courses and workshops on special issues. The Training ProgrammeCommission will decide the different modalities to be offered each semester.The training programme lasts 6 semesters.The programme also includesGroup Supervision (60 hours). Courses and seminars take place over threeyears for 6 semesters with each semester offering 50 hours oftheoretical/practical training. The total amount of hours fortheoretical/practical training in six semesters is 300 hours.
I. REQUIREMENTS FORADMISSION TO THE TRAINING PROGRAMME 1. Master’s Degree or equivalent academicstandard in Medicine/Psychiatry or Psychology/Education/Philosophy. 2. At least two years of practice as aClinical Psychologist. 3. Attendance, in the case where it isnecessary, at an introductory course in psychopathology, Psychotherapy andclinical practice. 4. Presentation of the required documents tothe Admission Commission. 5. Presentation of a brief autobiography (nomore than 10 pages).
The selection process is defined and executedby the Admission Commission and consists of three steps: 1st Step: Evaluation of thedocumentation required: (curriculum vitae, required certificates) 2nd Step: Submit a symbolic paperand have it reviewed by two reviewers (three nominations) 3rd Step: Written notification(via email) to the applicant of the result of the selection process (acceptedor not accepted) to begin his/her training as a Candidate.
The CSST training programme is based on fourbasic pillars: 1.THEORETICAL/PRACTICAL TRAINING The theoretical/practical training programmewill follow the proposed contents and will offer a range of teachingmodalities: courses, seminars, workshops, clinical meetings, multidisciplinaryencounters and lectures by visiting national and international teachers. The training programme is organized in sixsemesters and will cover the following subjects:
· 1stsem.Fundamentals of Sandplay Therapy, Comparative Developmental Psychology,Development of the Personality. Understand the therapy,history, definition and basic operational procedures of Sandplay Therapy. · 2nd sem.The depth psychologyfoundation of Sandplay Therapy, and the relationship between Sandplay and basicnotions of depth psychology.Complexes and Shadow/Transference/Counter-transference in Sandplay Therapy, Ethics and Legal Directives. · 3rd sem. Jungian Analysis of Myths and Fairy Tales in Sandplay Therapy; Archetypes/images/symbols in Sandplay Therapy, I Ching and Sandplay Therapy. · 4th sem. Clinical Psychiatry, Psychopathology, Diagnosisand Therapy; Yin-Yang and Five Element Theory, Alchemy and Sandplay Therapy. · 5th sem. Analytical Psychotherapy, Theory of Technique,Expressive Techniques and Sandplay therapy. · 6th sem. Depth Psychological Understanding of Sandplay and its Application; the Individuation Process in Sandplay Therapy.
Eachsemester will have 50 hours of theoretical/practical training. The total amountof theoretical/ practical training will be 300 hours.
Thesupervision process during training takes place according to two differentmodalities: a) Group Supervision, which takes place in the institution once aweek. The trainee has to fulfill a minimum of 10 hours of groupsupervision each semester facilitated by a member of CSST or ISST. A minimum of60 hours of group supervision is required throughout the 6 semesters. b) Individual Supervision for a minimum of 36 hours with a member ofCSST or ISST. This modality of supervision is independent of the trainingcourses.
Throughoutthe process of the Training Programme, the candidate is required to continuewith his/her personal analysis with an analystmember of CSST or ISST.
Thecandidate must be active as a professional psychotherapist in private orinstitutional practice.
Duringall the training periods, all teaching members who participate in trainingactivities will evaluate candidates objectively and subjectively. Thedifferent training activities of the programme (seminars, courses, workshops,supervisions, interdisciplinary encounters) are evaluated according to taskfulfillment, performance and dedication to written work, active participationin seminars, previous lectures and comprehension of the text, symboliccorrelations etc. Theevaluation will always consider the individuality, creativity and personalstyle of the candidates in their professional activities, relationships withcolleagues and interaction with CSST. Atthe end of each semester, there will be a written evaluation of theoreticalknowledge and personal integration of the material. The theoretical evaluationwill be evaluated by the seminar leader. Theevaluation of personal integration of the material will be done by the smallgroup tutor.
TheTraining Commission will plan and implement individual and group support.Regular meetings are held, for this purpose, with the group of candidates todiscuss the training programme, its development, its activities, emergingdifficulties and issues concerning the training.
In order to be admitted to the intermediateexaminations, four requirements must be met: l The seminar paper must have been accepted by thetutor. l 36 hours of personal analysis l 62 hours of supervision l 96 hours of courses must have been achieved.
Trainingends with the presentation of a monograph, a Case Study that shows thereflective, psycho-therapeutic and ethical capacity of the trainee. Atheoretical-clinical topic must be illustrated by means of a clinical case thathas been followed in supervision. Duringthe last year of training, the applicant must choose a topic for his/her finalmonograph. A member of the CSST/ISST will tutor themonograph. Thefinal monograph can be presented when the candidate has fulfilled all therequirements stated above. The monograph needs to be given to three Sandplay Therapists, and at least two of the Sandplay Therapists must approve it. These Sandplay Therapists must not have been involved with thecandidates’ training where possible. First, to become a Router, a written symbolic papermust be submitted to and supported by three CSST Certified Members; for havingqualification for the INTERMEDIATE EXAM, another written symbolic paperincluding clinical sandplay information must be submitted to two interviews;when applying for a Certified Member, a written final case study must besubmitted to and passed by two of the three Case Readers, and make a face toface case report defense with them. Thecandidate will be accepted as a Sandplay Therapist by CSST after he/she has completed thefollowing stages: a) 6 semesters and 300hours of theoretical/practical activities and the approval of the correspondingfinal work presentation required in the Training Programme designed by theTraining Commission and the coordinators of the activities. b) A minimum of36 hours of individual personal supervision. c) A minimum of 56hours of group supervision. d) A minimum of 66hours of individual analysis with a Certified Member of the CSST/ISST. e) Approval of theMonograph by at least two of the three analyst members of the ExaminerCommittee.
Afterthe fulfillment of all the enunciated formalities, the Executive Committeemakes a recommendation to accept the candidate as an analyst member to theGeneral Assembly.
The Programme is organized in six semesters, wherethe following topics will be studied and discussed thoroughly.
· 1stsem. Fundamentals of Sandplay Therapy, Comparative Developmental Psychology,Development of the Personality. Understand the therapy, history, definition and basicoperational procedures of Sandplay Therapy. · 2nd sem.The depth psychology foundation of Sandplay Therapy,and the relationship between Sandplay and basic notions of depth psychology. Complexesand Shadow/Transference/Counter-transference inSandplayTherapy, Ethics and Legal Directives. · 3rd sem.Jungian Analysis of Myths and Fairy Tales in SandplayTherapy; Archetypes/images/symbols in Sandplay Therapy, I Ching and SandplayTherapy. · 4th sem.Clinical Psychiatry, Psychopathology, Diagnosis and Therapy; Yin-Yang and FiveElement Theory, Alchemy and SandplayTherapy. · 5th sem.Analytical Psychotherapy, Theory of Technique, Expressive Techniques and SandplayTherapy. · 6th sem.Depth Psychological Understanding of Sandplay and its Application;the Individuation Process in SandplayTherapy.
The background and formationof CSST training program. Sandplay Therapy andISST in China, along with the development of Jungian psychology, started in1993, has almost 30 years now. At the 25th ISST conference (Berlin, 2019), theChina Society for Sandplay Therapy was formally set up, with the CSSTConstitution, Training Programme, and the Code of Ethics approved and acceptedby ISST. Many seniorSandplay Therapists, such as Ruth Ammann, HarrietFriedman, Rie Mitchell, Kay Bradway, Gretchen Hegeman, Hayao Kawai, Kazuhiko Higuchi, Yasuhiro Yamanaka, EvaPattis Zoja, Alex Esterhuyzen, Betty Jackson, Liza Ravitz, Lauren Conningham, MariaChiaia, Joyce Conningham, Dyane Sherwood, Irmgard ElseThom,HeatherLesley-Swan, Maria Kendler, Lisbet Myer Zacho, Marion Anderson, Rasche Jorg, etc.(as well as many senior Jungian analysts, such as Tom Kirsch, Jean Kirsch,Murray Stein, John Beebe, Stan Marlan, Andrew Samuels, David Rosen, Luigi Zoja,Hester Solomon, Paul Kugler, Joe Cambray, Tom Kelly, Misser Berg, MartinSchmidt, GeorgeHogenson, Ann Casement, Viviane Thibaudier, Angela Connolly, RobertBosnak, Tom Singer, John Hill, Linda Carter,Marta Tibaldi, Dennis Merritt, Lionel Corbett,Craig Stephenson,Emilija Kiehl, AllanGuggenbuel, Brian Feldman, etc.), they supported the development of SandplayTherapy in China, and came to China for teaching, training, and supervisions.Our group takes international visiting learning, bringing our candidates toZurich (for Martin Kalff, and Ruth Ammann; as well as for Jungian analysistraining), Berlin, Roma, Milan, San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York... Wefounded the Oriental Academy for Xin-Li-Fen-Xi[1],focused on Analytical Psychology and Sandplay Therapy, and set up threeinstitutes in three universities (SCNU, Fudan, CityU), and brought SandplayTherapy into the formal university courses. Several hundred graduate studentshave done their dissertation researches for Master's degrees and Ph.D., focusedon Analytical Psychology and Sandplay Therapy, and have done many relatedacademic and scientific publications. We have translated and published manyJungian and Sandplay Books, including Dora Kalff’s book, books of Kay Bradway,Ruth Ammann, Harriet Friedman, and Rie Mitchell. At the same time, our grouptranslated the Collected Works of C.G. Jung (20 Vol), andSelected Works of C.G. Jung(9 Vol), and related many Jungian books to Chinese.We have participated in the ISST conferences and IAAP conferences since 1995,make useful publications and contributions for the Journal of SandplayTherapy, and Journal of Analytical Psychology, and presentations atISST, IAAP congresses, Fay Lectures, and Eranos East and West Round TableConferences. At the 17thISST conference (Seattle, 2003), Heyong Shen, and Gao Lan from Chinaparticipated in a special meeting with Gretchen Hegeman, RuthAmmann, Kay Bradway, Kazuhiko Higuchi, Harriet Friedman, and Rie Mitchell,discussed the development of Sandplay Therapy and ISST in China,especially for the professional training strategy and training program. Four pillars were raised for instance: Kalffian Sandplay,Jungian Psychology Foundation, Chinese Culture (like the diagram of Chou TunYi, Five Elements Theory, I Ching…which both Dora Kalff and C.G.Jung value somuch,), the combination of the three with teaching method, clinical practice,and supervision system.
· 1stsem. Fundamentals of Sandplay Therapy, Comparative Developmental Psychology,Development of the Personality. Understand the therapy, history, definition and basicoperational procedures of Sandplay Therapy.
1) Presentation and synthesis of Dora Kalff’s life and work. Understandingthe basic concepts and principal postulates of Sandplay Therapy. 2) Description and deepening of the relationship between consciousness andunconsciousness. 3) Description and analysis of developmental stages of personality, lifecycle, ego – self-relationship.
Syllabus: 1. Dora Kalff’s life and work, cultural and academic context; mainpostulates of Sandplay Therapy. 2. Dora Kalff and Jung: theoretical background of Analytical Psychology inSandplay Therapy 3. Development Theory in Sandplay Therapy: Karff and the school ofPsychoanalytic object relations 4. Development Theory in Sandplay Therapy: From Jung, Neumann to theDevelopment School in Karff's Analytical Psychology 5. Developmental stages of personality, life cycle; ego - self –relationship; evolutionary neuroscience, and attachment; Developmental modelsof E. Erikson, M. Fordham, and E. Neumann. 6. The ego-self axis in Sandplay Therapy (2 class hours) 7. The history and development of Sandplay 8. How to understand free andprotected space as a Sandplay therapist 9. The overview of Development Psychology 10. Case conceptualization of Sandplay Therapy 11. Attachment Theory and Sandplay Therapy Analysis of cases about Sandplay Therapy andattachment relationship. 12. Trauma in Sandplay Therapy 13. Healing factorsof Sandplay Therapy 14. About Sandplay Therapy: understand itsdefinition and connotation and apply it 15.Understand theprocess of Sandplay Therapy: analysis of methods and technical 16. Basic operation, main settings, significance, introduction and start ofSandplay Therapy 17. Completion of the Sandplay Therapy: analysis of the process, recordingthe main points, ending and taking pictures 18. The space structure in Sandplay Therapy 19. The meaning,analysis and understanding of initial sandplay based on theory and keyoperation
Ammann Ruth(Translated by Wolf-Dieter Peter Rainer)(1991). Healing and Transformation in Sandplay. Chicago: Open CourtPublishing Company. Bradway, K.,McCoard, B. (1997). Sandplay. London: Routledge. Bradway, K(1981).Developmental Stages in Children,s Sand Worlds. In Sandplay Studies: Origins,Theory and Practice San Francisco, CA: C.G. Jung Institute. Kalff Dora. (1980). Sandplay:A Psycho-therapeutic Approach to the Psyche. Santa Monica: Sigo Press Jung, C. G. (1968).Man and His Symbols. New York: Dell. Jung, C. G. (1970).“Analytical Psychology: Its Theory & Practice”. The Tavistock Lectures. NewYork: Vintage. Jung, C. G. andJaffé, A., (1961). Memories, Dreams, Reflections. New York: Pantheon Books. Jung. C. G. (1967).Two Essays in Analytical Psychology. The Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Vol. 7.London: Routledge. Jung, C. G. (1953).The Development of Personality. The Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Vol. 17.Princeton: Princeton University Press. Ellenberger, H. F.(1970). The Discovery of the Unconscious; The History and Evolution of DynamicPsychiatry. New York: Basic Books. Fordham. (2013). NewDevelopments in Analytical Psychology. London: Routledge. Jacoby, M. (1999).Jungian Psychotherapy and Contemporary Infant Research. London: Routledge. Knox, J. (2003).Archetype, Attachment, Analysis: Jungian Psychology and the Emergent Mind.Hove, East Sussex: Brunner-Routledge. Neumann, E. (1970).The Origins and History of Consciousness. Princeton: Princeton UniversityPress. Stein, M. (1998).Jung's Map of the Soul. Chicago: Open Court. Bibliography/books in Chinese version Klaff, Dora.《沙游在心理治疗中的作用》,高璇译。北京:中国轻工业出版社2015。 Ammann, Ruth. 《沙盘游戏中的治愈与转化》,潘燕华、蔡宝鸿译。北京:中国人民大学出版社2012。 Barbara A. Turner.(2016). 沙盘游戏疗法手册. 中国轻工业出版社.Jung, C. G. 《人格发展》,《荣格全集》(第十七卷),吴康译。南京:译林出版社2014。 Jung, C. G. 《人及其象征》,张举文译。辽宁:辽宁教育出版社1988。 Jung, C. G. 《分析心理学的理论与实践》,成穷、王作虹译。北京:三联书店1991。 Jung, C. G. 《荣格文集》(第四卷),高岚主编。长春:长春出版社2014。 Barbara, Hannah. 《荣格的生活与工作》,李亦雄译。北京:东方出版社1998。 Berk, Laura E. 《发展心理学》,陈会昌译。北京:中国人民大学出版社2014。 Ellenberger, HenriF. 《发现无意识Ⅲ:浪漫主义动力精神医学——佛洛伊德与荣格》,刘絮恺等译。台北:远流出版事业股份有限公司2004。 申荷永,《荣格与分析心理学》。北京:首都师范大学出版社2004。 申荷永、高岚,《沙盘游戏疗法》。北京:中国人民大学出版社2011。 Bradway, Kay. 《沙游——非语言心灵疗法》,曾仁美等译。台北:五南图书出版股份有限公司2005。 哈里特·S.弗里德曼瑞·罗杰斯·米切尔编,《沙盘游戏治疗的督导》,王锦霞、张敏等译。中国人民大学出版社2018。 戴维·H·罗森,《转化抑郁:用创造力治愈心灵》,张敏、高彬、米未文译。中国人民大学出版社2015。 山中康裕,《表达性心理治疗:徘徊于心灵和精神之间》,穆旭明译。北京:中国人民大学出版社2018。 蔡成后,《沙盘游戏疗法在心理咨询中的应用》。长沙:湖南师范大学出版社, 2016,9。 瑞·罗杰斯·米切尔,哈里特·S·弗里,《沙盘游戏:过去、现在和未来》。北京:中国人民大学出版社2017,2。 凯·布莱德温露西娅·钱伯斯玛丽亚·埃伦·基亚亚,《沙盘游戏三部曲:意象、关系与神秘》,张敏、范红霞译。中国人民大学出版社2022。
· 2nd sem.The depth psychology foundation of Sandplay Therapy,and the relationship between Sandplay and basic notions of depth psychology. Complexes and Shadow/Transference/Counter-transference in Sandplay Therapy, Ethics and Legal Directives.
1) Description of the structure and dynamics of theUnconscious, Personal Unconscious/Collective Unconscious/Cultural Unconscious. 2) Analysis and differentiation of the complexes and shadow in theSandplay process. 3) Transference/Counter-transference; the therapeutic relationshipbetween the Sandplay Therapist and patient. 4) Description of theKnowledge and Wisdom of ethical and legal directives of Sandplay Therapy. 5) Themes and analysis of the following Sandplay Therapy:wounding, healing and transformation
1. The overview of Jungian analysis theories in Sandplay 2. Analytical psychology and Sandplay Therapy 3. Transference, empathy and clinical analysis inSandplay Therapy 4. Awarenessand work on transference and counter-transference in Sandplay Therapy 5. How to understand thecirculation of conscious and unconscious during the progress of Sandplaycounseling 6. Complex and transformation in Sandplay Therapy 7. The shadow in the images ofSandplay Therapy 8. Ethics of clinical work: ethical problem in casereport and supervision 9. Ethics of clinical work and capability growth ofanalyst 10. Morals and ethics in Sandplaycounseling 11. Analytical encounter, transference/counter-transference, empathy, resonance, analysis of therapeuticrelationship, Free and protected Space. 12. The knowledge and wisdom of ethical and legaldirectives. 13. Themeanalysis and stages change in Sandplay 14. How to deal with the counseling relationship withparents and teachers, and family intervention of Sandplay counseling 15. Recognization and handlement in transference andcounter-transference in Sandplay counseling 16. The phenomenon of regression and working strategiesin SandplayTherapy 17. Resistance and unconsciouness defence in Sandplay Therapy
Bradway, K(1991). Transference and Counter-transference in Sandplay Therapy Journal of Sandplay Therapy, 1(1),25-42. Jung, C. G. (1946). The Psychology of theTransference. In Practice of Psychotherapy. Princeton: Princeton UniversityPress. Von Franz, Marie-Louis (1995). Shadow and Evil inFairy Tales. Boston: Shambhala. Jacoby,M. (1990). The Analytic Encounter: Transference and HumanRelationship. Toronto: Inner City Books. Weiner, J. (2004). Transference and Counter-transference: Contemporary Perspectives. In J. Cambray & L.Carter (Eds.), Analytical psychology: Contemporary Perspectives in JungianAnalysis. London: Routledge. Bibliography/books in Chinese version Jung, C. G.《移情心理学》,《荣格精选集》,李孟潮、闻锦玉译。南京:译林出版社2019。 Jacoby,M. 《相遇心理分析》,申荷永、刘建新译。广州:广东教育出版社2007。 Klaff,Dora.《沙游在心理治疗中的作用》,高璇译。北京:中国轻工业出版社2015。 Ammann,Ruth. 《沙盘游戏中的治愈与转化》,潘燕华、蔡宝鸿译。北京:中国人民大学出版社2012。 Bradway,Kay. 《沙游——非语言心灵疗法》,曾仁美等译。台北:五南图书出版股份有限公司2005。 Friedman, Harriet S., and Rie Rogers Mitchell. 《沙盘游戏治疗的督导》,王锦霞、张敏译。北京:中国人民大学出版社2018。 Zoja,Eva Pattis.《沙盘游戏与心理疾病的治疗》,刘建新、蔡成后、古丽丹译。广州:广东高等教育出版社2006。 申荷永,《洗心岛之梦:感应心法与自性化过程》。广州: 广东科技出版社2011。 申荷永、高岚:《沙盘游戏疗法》。北京:中国人民大学出版社 2012。 哈里特·S.弗里德曼瑞·罗杰斯·米切尔编,《沙盘游戏治疗的督导》,王锦霞、张敏等译。中国人民大学出版社2018。 戴维·H·罗森,《转化抑郁:用创造力治愈心灵》,张敏、高彬、米未文译。中国人民大学出版社2015。 山中康裕,《表达性心理治疗:徘徊于心灵和精神之间》,穆旭明译。北京:中国人民大学出版社2018。 蔡成后,《沙盘游戏疗法在心理咨询中的应用》。长沙:湖南师范大学出版社, 2016,9。 乔尔·莱斯-梅纽因(JoelRyce-Menuhin),《荣格学派沙盘游戏疗法》,中国人民大学出版社 2018。 蔡成后,《沙盘游戏疗法案例与应用》,中国人民大学出版社,2021,3。 凯·布莱德温露西娅·钱伯斯玛丽亚·埃伦·基亚亚,《沙盘游戏三部曲:意象、关系与神秘》,张敏、范红霞译。中国人民大学出版社2022。
· 3rd sem. Jungian Analysis of Myths and Fairy Tales in Sandplay Therapy; Archetypes/images/symbols in Sandplay Therapy, I Ching and Sandplay Therapy.
1) Descriptionof Myth and Fairy Tales and their symbolic–archetypalanalysis in SandplayTherapy. 2) Description of the structure of Collective Unconsciousand Archetypes,and Symbolic Attitude. 3) Description of theArchetypal Images anddescription of the images and symbols in the Sandplay process. 4) Descriptionof the Diagrams of I Ching, Fuxi’s Diagram, and Wen King’s Diagram, I Ching and Sandplay Therapy.
1. Myth and Fairy Tales,and their symbolic – archetypal analysis in the Sandplay Therapy. 2. The structure and dynamics of the unconscious,multiple dimensions and levels, Personal Unconscious/Collective Unconscious in Sandplay Therapy. 3. The structure of collective unconscious, archetype,archetypal images, symbols, symbolic attitude. 4. The archetypal images, Anima and Animus, structureand dynamics of the psyche; Anima and animus in SandplayTherapy. 5. The archetypes of motherand inner child in Sandplay Therapy . 6. Father image in SandplayTherapy. 7. "The wise old man" and "the trickster" in SandplayTherapy 8. Howto understand the water, sand and miniatures. 9. The Diagrams of I Ching, Fuxi’s Diagram, and WenKing’s Diagram, the archetypal images, I Ching and Jungian Psychology. 10. The ending and reflection of Sandplay cases. 11. How to understand symbolsin Sandplay Therapy. 12. Guidance on the writing of Symbol paper. 13. To understand the meaning of symbols in Sandplay Therapy and how to achieve containment and holdingin counseling. 14. How to understand Sandplayimages from psychological types.
Von Franz, Marie-Louis(1995). The Interpretation of Fairy Tales. Boston: Shambhala. Jung C.G. (1970).Structure & Dynamics of the Psyches. The Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Vol.8. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Jung C.G. (1981).Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious. The Collected Works of C.G. Jung,Vol. 9, PART 1. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Jung C.G. (1975).“Foreword to the I Ching”. The Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Vol. 11.Psychology and Religion: West and East. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Jung, C. G. (1950b).Concerning Mandala Symbolism. In H. Read, M. Fordham & G. Adler (Eds.),Archetypes & the Collective Unconscious. The Collected Works of C.G. Jung,Vol. 9I, pp. 355-384. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Jacobi. J. (1971).Complex/Archetype/Symbol in the Psychology of C. G. Jung. Bollingen SeriesLVII. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Hillman, J. (1972). TheMyth of Analysis: Three Essays in Archetypal Psychology. Evanston: NorthwesternUniversity Press. Hogenson, G. (2004).Archetypes: Emergence and the Psyche Deep Structure. In J. Cambray & L.Carter (Eds.), Analytical psychology: Contemporary Perspectives in JungianAnalysis. London: Routledge. Knox, J. (2003).Archetypes and Image Schemas. In Archetype, Attachment, Analysis: JungianPsychology and the Emergent Mind. East Sussex: Brunner-Routledge. Neumann, E. (1955). TheGreat Mother: An Analysis of the Archetype. New York: Pantheon Books. Richard Wilhelm andCary F. Baynes’ translations. (1967). I Ching / Book of Changes. BollingenSeries XIX. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Stevens, A. (2003).Archetype Revisited: An Updated Natural History of the Self. Toronto: InnerCity Books. Johnson, H. H. (1998).Sand, Soul and Psyche: A Study of Fairy Tale and the Healing Imagination in theClinical Practice of Psychoanalysis. Cincinnati: The Union Institute.
Bibliography/books in Chinese version: Jung, C. G. 《心灵的结构与动力》,关群德译,《荣格全集》(第八卷)。南京:译林出版社2020。 Jung, C. G. 《集体无意识与原型》,徐德林译,《荣格全集》(第九卷)。南京:译林出版社2020。 Jung, C. G. “《易经》序言”,《东洋冥想的心理学》,杨儒宾译。北京:社会科学文献出版社出版2000。 刘大钧,《周易概论》。四川:巴蜀书社2010。 李光地(编纂),《周易折中》。四川:巴蜀书社2006。 周敦颐,《太极图说》。济南: 齐鲁书社2017。 阿瑟·科尔曼,《父亲:神话与角色的变换》 北京:东方出版社 1998。 约瑟夫·坎贝尔,《千面英雄》北京:金城出版社 2015。 吕旭亚,《公主走进黑森林》北京:北京联合出版公司 2018。 维雷娜·卡斯特,《童话的心理分析》北京:生活·读书·新知三联书店 2010。 Friedman, Harriet S., and Rie RogersMitchell. 《沙盘游戏治疗的督导》,王锦霞、张敏译。北京:中国人民大学出版社2018。
· 4th sem. Clinical Psychiatry, Psychopathology, Diagnosisand Therapy; Yin-Yang and Five Element Theory, Alchemy and Sandplay Therapy.
1) Descriptionand analysis of different clinical psychic disorders. Psycho-dynamic perspective, symbolic comprehensionin Sandplay Therapy. 2) Description and analysis of personality disorders and psychosomatic disordersin SandplayTherapy. 3) Descriptionand analysis of anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder and post-traumaticdisorder. The DSM-5 will be used as a reference for diagnosis. Knowing andusing diagnostic methods. 4) Therapyand Healing, Description and analysis of Yin-Yang and FiveElement Theory, the Psycho-therapeuticlevel of Traditional Chinese Medicineand in SandplayTherapy .
1. Evaluation and diagnosed of Sandplay cases 2. Consultingscheme making and strategies in Sandplay counseling for children and teenagers 3. Theory and case analysis of alchemy in SandplayTherapy 4. How to understand the clinical diagnose in Sandplaycounseling 5. Analysis for pervasive developmental disorder casesin Sandplay counseling 6. Cases of mental retardation and Sandplay Therapy 7. Analysis for Attention Deficit HyperactivityDisorder(ADHD) and Tourette syndrome cases in Sandplay counseling 8. The theory and practice ofSandplay Therapy for children with severe emotional disorders 9. The case study and thetreatment of borderline personality disorder with Sandplay Therapy 10. The case study anddiscussion and the treatment of autism with Sandplay Therapy 11. Case analysis for Emotional problems in Sandplaycounseling 12. Case analysis for behavior problems in Sandplaycounseling 13. Assessing and working on attachment relationshipswith Sandplay Therapy 14. Sandplay Therapy and alchemy:the opposite fusion in the process of alchemy 15. Case study of Sandplay Therapyand alchemy 16.Therapy and Healing, Yin-yangand five element theory and Jungian analysis; psycho-therapeutic level of thetraditional Chinese medicine in Sandplay Therapy.
Hunter, L. B. (1995). Resilient Imagination:Emotionally Disturbed Children Express Strengths in the Language of Sandplay. Cincinnati: The Union Institute. Jung, C. G. (1953). Psychiatric Studies, TheCollected Works of C.G. Jung, Vol. 1. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Jung, C.G. (1966). Practice of Psychotherapy. TheCollected Works of C.G. Jung, Vol. 16. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Jung, C. G. (1929). Commentary on The Secret of theGolden Flower. Alchemical Studies. The Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Vol. 13. Princeton:Princeton University Press. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mentaldisorders: DSM-5 (5th ed.). Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Association. Kalsched. (2013). Trauma and the Soul: A Psycho-SpiritualApproach to Human Development and Its Interruption. London: Routledge. Knox, J. (2010). Self-Agency in Psychotherapy(Attachment, Autonomy, and Intimacy). New York: W.W. Norton & Company. Clark, M. (2006). Understanding the Self-Ego Relationshipin Clinical Practice: Towards Individuation. London: Karnac. Perry, J. W. (1987).The Self in Psychotic Process :Its Symbolization in Schizophrenia. Dallas,Tex.: Spring Publications. Samuels, A. (1989).Psychopathology: Contemporary Jungian Perspectives. London: Routledge. Solomon, H. (2000).Recent Developments in the Neurosciences. In E. Chistopher & H. Solomon(Eds.), Jungian thought in the Modern World. London: Free Association Books. Stein, M. (2010).Jungian Psychoanalysis: Working In The Spirit Of C.G. Jung. Chicago: OpenCourt. Li,Zhaoguo (Trans). (2005). Yellow Emperor’s Canon of Medicine, Plain Conversation.Beijing: World Publishing Corporation. Zhu, M. (2001). The Medical Classic of the YellowEmperor. New York: New Phoenix Intl Llc.
Bibliography/books in Chinese version: Zoja, Eva Pattis.《沙盘游戏与心理疾病的治疗》,刘建新、蔡成后、古丽丹译。广州:广东高等教育出版社2006。 乔尔·莱斯-梅纽因(JoelRyce-Menuhin),《荣格学派沙盘游戏疗法》,中国人民大学出版社。 蔡成后,《沙盘游戏疗法案例与应用》,中国人民大学出版社,2021,3。 Ellenberger, Henri F. 《发现无意识I:动力精神医学的源流》,刘絮恺等译。台北:远流出版事业股份有限公司2004。 Ellenberger, Henri F. 《发现无意识Ⅱ: 理性主义动力精神医学——惹内与阿德勒》,刘絮恺等译。台北:远流出版事业股份有限公司2004。 Ellenberger, Henri F. 《发现无意识IV: 新动力精神医学发展史》,刘絮恺等译。台北:远流出版事业股份有限公司2004。 美国精神医学学会,《精神障碍诊断与统计手册》,张道龙等译。北京:北京大学出版社2014。 张灿玾(主编),《黄帝内经素问校释》。北京:人民卫生出版社1982。
· 5th sem. Analytical Psychotherapy, Theory and practice ofExpressive Techniques and Sandplay therapy.
Objectives of the Seminar: 1) Analytical psychotherapy and Sandplay Therapy. 2) Learningabout projective technique procedures (Rorschach and TAT), andinsight into other methods of psychotherapy. 3) Working with imagination techniques in Sandplay Therapy. 4) Taoist Inner Alchemy and Sandplay Therapy.
Syllabus: 1. The methods and techniques of analyticalpsychotherapy in the Sandplay process. 2. Learning of the expressive and projectivetechniques (Rorschach and TAT), and the technique procedures. Art,creativity and Sandplay therapy. 3. Yoga and Mandala, Psychology and East/Westreligion. 4. Tao Te Ching, Taoist inner alchemy, and Sandplay Therapy. 5. The comparison and integration of AnalyticalPsychology and Psycho-dynamics 6. Assessment on case report(with example): casereport(writing)and case analysis 7. Practice of Sandplay Therapy: how to conduct analytical counseling onstudents 8. The application of Analytical Psychology in Sandplay Therapy 9. Typical problems in Sandplay counseling for children and teenagers 10. Wounded healer in SandplayTherapy 11. The "Heaven-Earth-Human"model and the Concepts of Zhou Dun Yi's Tai-ji-tu-shuo in Sandplay Therapy 12. Analysis for Familyrelationship and interpersonal relationship problems in Sandplay counseling 13. Diagnose and analysis ofinitial sand-tray from children who have a behavioral problem 14. Case analysis for Academicproblems in Sandplay counseling 15. Case analysis for Personalgrowth in Sandplay counseling 16. The latest scientific researchon Sandplay Therapy 17. The emergence and analysis ofthe following themes in the Sandplay case: trauma, healing and transformation 18. Video demonstration andanalysis of the actual operation process of the Sandplay Therapy 19. Theme and analysis of Sandplayconsultation: colors in Sandplay and their significance
Bibliography: Zoja, P. (2011). Sandplay Therapy in Vulnerable Communities. London:Routledge. Jung, C. G. (1940). Psychology and Religion. InPsychology and Religion:Westand East. The Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Vol. 11. Princeton: PrincetonUniversity Press. Jung, C. G. (1953). Practice of Psychotherapy. The Collected Works ofC.G. Jung, Vol. 16. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Jung, C. G. (1999). The Psychology of KundaliniYoga. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Dieckmann, H. (1991). Methods in AnalyticalPsychology: An Introduction. Wilmette, Ill.: Chiron Publications. Fordham, M. (1974). Technique in Jungian Analysis.London: Heinemann Medical. Lambert, K. (2018). Analysis, Repair andIndividuation. London: Routledge. Sedgwick. (1994). The Wounded Healer. London:Routledge. Von Franz, M. L. (1980). On Active Imagination. InI. F. Baker (Ed.), The Methods of Treatment in Analytical Psychology. Fellbach:Bonz. Weinrib, E. L. (2004). Images of the Self: theSandplay Therapy Process (2 ed.). Cloverdale, CA: Temenos Press.
Bibliography/books in Chinese version: Jung, C. G.《东洋冥想的心理学》,杨儒宾译。北京:社会科学文献出版社2000。 Jung, C. G.,and Richard Wilhelm. 《金华养生秘旨与分析心理学》,通山译。北京:东方出版社1993。 Jung,C. G. 《文明的变迁》,《荣格文集》(第六卷),储昭华等译。北京:国际文化出版公司2011。 Jung,C. G. 《炼金术之梦》,《荣格精选集》,杨韶刚译。南京:译林出版社2019。 Neumann,Erich. 《深度心理学与新道德》,高宪田与黄水乞译。北京:东方出版社1998。 Raff,Jeffrey. 《荣格与炼金术》,廖世德译。台北:人本自然文化事业有限公司2007。 Rosen,David.《荣格之道》,申荷永译。北京:中国社会科学出版社2003。
· 6th sem. Depth Psychological Understanding of Sandplay andits Application; the Individuation Process in Sandplay Therapy.
Objectivesof the Seminar: 1) Description ofSandplay Therapy and Depth Psychology. 2) Descriptionand Analysis of Sandplay, Application and Practice. 3) Descriptionofthe healing process and the development of the personalityin Sandplay Therapy. 4) Reflection and deepening in Self, Individuation andTransformation. 5) The knowledge of the Heart, and the Wisdom of theHeart in Chinese Culture.
Syllabus: 1. Sandplay Therapy and Depth Psychology, the spirit of thedepth and it’s implication. 2. Active imagination and Sandplay Therapy. 3. Kalff’s Sandplay Therapy and the process of Individuation. 4. Self and Individuation, and Transformation, thepractice of the Wholeness and Mandala in Sandplay Therapy. 5. Spirit of the depths and the Knowledge of the Heartand SandplayTherapy. 6. Archetype and archetypal images of Self andindividuation, West and East. 7. Tao, the way of integrating the opposites, and theWholeness; I Ching, Jungian Analysis, and transformation. 8. The transformation and its manifestation in Sandplay Therapy 9. The integration of opposites in Sandplay and its manifestation in the cases 10. Theapplication of the Psychology of the Heart theory in Sandplay Therapy 11. Sandplay Therapy and “Gardenof the Heart and Soul”, integration and practice of methods and techniques 12. The impact and manifestation of transcendentalfunction in Sandplay Therapy 13. Case analysis of the Ego-Self axis forming processin SandplayTherapy 14. The process of Individuation and journey of the hero inSandplay Therapy 15. What heals the psyche inSandplay Therapy
Bibliography: Jung, C. G. (2009). The Red Book: Liber Novus. InS. Shamdasani (Ed.). New York: W.W. Norton & Co. Jung, C. G. (1977). Mysterium Coniunctionis. TheCollected Works of C. G. Jung, Vol. 14. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Jung, C. G. Psychological Commentary on The TibetanBook of the Great Liberation. TheCollected Works of C.G. Jung, Vol. 11. Psychology and Religion: West and East. Jung, C. G. (1968). Aion: Researches into thephenomenology of the self. The Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Vol. 9II.Princeton: Princeton University Press. Jung, C. G. (1950a). A study in the process ofindividuation. In H. Read, M. Fordham & G. Adler (Eds.), Archetypes &the Collective Unconscious. The Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Vol. 9I.Princeton: Princeton University Press. Jung, C. G. (2002). The Undiscovered Self: TheDilemma of the Individual in Modern Society. London: Routledge. Ammann, R. (1991). Healing and Transformation inSandplay. Chicago: Open Court. Bradway, K., McCoard, B. (1997). Sandplay. London:Routledge. Kalff, Dora. (2004).Sandplay: A Psychotherapeutic Approach to the Psyche. London: Temenos Press. Neumann, E. (2013). Art and the CreativeUnconscious. London: Routledge. Zoja, P. (2011). Sandplay Therapy in VulnerableCommunities. London: Routledge. Jacobi, J. (1983). TheWay of Individuation. New York: New American Library. Lambert, K. (2018). Analysis,Repair and Individuation. London: Routledge. Stein. M (1996).Practicing Wholeness: Analytical Psychology and Jungian Thought. New York:Continuum International Publishing Group. Stein, M. (2006). ThePrinciple of Individuation: Toward the Development of Human Consciousness.Wilmette, Ill. Asheville: Chiron Publications.
Bibliography/books in Chinese version: 申荷永,《荣格与中国文化》北京:首都师范大学出版社 2018。 申荷永,《中国文化心理学心要》北京:人民出版社 2002。 Jung, C.G. 《意象分析》,《荣格文集》(第六卷),高岚主编。长春:长春出版社2014。 Klaff,Dora.《沙游在心理治疗中的作用》,高璇译。北京:中国轻工业出版社2015。 Ammann,Ruth. 《沙盘游戏中的治愈与转化》,潘燕华、蔡宝鸿译。北京:中国人民大学出版社2012。 Bradway,Kay. 《沙游——非语言心灵疗法》,曾仁美等译。台北:五南图书出版股份有限公司2005。 Friedman, Harriet S., and Rie Rogers Mitchell. 《沙盘游戏治疗的督导》,王锦霞、张敏译。北京:中国人民大学出版社2018。 Zoja,Eva Pattis.《沙盘游戏与心理疾病的治疗》,刘建新、蔡成后、古丽丹译。广州:广东高等教育出版社2006。 申荷永,《核心心理学》。北京:中国人民大学出版社2020。 申荷永、高岚,《沙盘游戏:理论与实践》。广州:广东高等教育出版社2004。 王守仁,《王阳明全集》。上海:上海古籍出版社2012。 Jung,C. G.《伊雍:自性现象学研究》,杨韶刚译。南京:译林出版社2019。 Jung,C. G.《自我与自性》,赵翔译。北京:世界图书出版公司2014。 Stein,Murray 《英雄之旅:个体化原则概论》,黄璧惠等译。台北:心灵工坊文化事业股份有限公司2012。 李光地(编纂),《周易折中》。成都:巴蜀书社2006。 陈鼓应,《老子今译今注》。北京:商务印书馆2006。 陈鼓应,《老庄新论》。北京:商务印书馆2010。 刘大钧,《周易概论》。成都:巴蜀书社2010。 [1] For Xin-Li-Fen-Xi in Chinese, we combined Analytical Psychology andSandplay Therapy. |